
At West Toronto Acupuncture we strive to provide you with the highest standard of care we can. This includes using quality, single-use, industry-standard acupuncture needles, as well as sourcing the best natural and organic products for topical application.

60 mins - $139
Initial TCM Assessment + Acupuncture Treatment:

This is where your acupuncture journey begins. An Initial session provides the time and space for you to discuss your chief concern or the primary reason for your visit.

In this session, your practitioner will ask questions to help them understand your condition and your overall constitution according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The appointment includes Traditional Chinese Medicine assessment and acupuncture treatment.

50 mins - $96
Follow-up Acupuncture Treatment:

The follow-up acupuncture treatment is for ongoing patients. In addition to acupuncture, treatments may include a myriad of TCM modalities such as: gua sha, moxibustion, cupping, dietary and nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

50 mins - $135
Acupuncture + Energy Work:

Energy work involves using practices such as Reiki, qi gong and crystal combinations to balance and harmonize a person’s qi or vital energy. In this session, acupuncture is applied in conjunction with energy work to synergistically create an opportunity for healing in the physical, emotional, energetic and mental bodies.

80 mins - $189
TCM Rejuvenation Facial:

This unique facial treatment combines facial rejuvenation acupuncture, light therapy, gua sha and expertly crafted, topical compounds to completely revitalize the complexion. This treatment is tailored to the individual making it suitable for all skin types. It works well as a stand-alone treatment but can also be used as a part of your weekly or monthly self-care routine.

60 mins - $139
Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatment:

This treatment is for patients seeking acupuncture specifically to target lines, furrows, and signs of aging; light therapy is also incorporated into this treatment. Cosmetic acupuncture works best as a series. For optimal results, a minimum of 4 weekly sessions is recommended.

*Please note that this treatment option differs from the TCM Rejuvenation Facial in that it primarily involves the use of acupuncture needles, without the application of TCM topical products or facial gua sha.

Additional Treatments:

60 mins - $100
Tea and Tarot:

Tarot has been described as the "mirror of the soul', it is a means for us to gain insight into our lives. Like a compass, a tarot reading can provide direction, enlighten our path and grant us perspective and, is especially useful during times of transition or uncertainty in one's life.

There is truly no ‘bad’ tarot reading, as all that the cards have to show us is what is already at play inside of us and all around.

60 mins - $100
Private Yoga Class:

Yoga is a system for aligning the body and the mind. Applied therapeutically, the postures of yoga can ease stress, help to manage pain and heal chronic injuries. It is helpful for myriad conditions such as: back, neck, hip, joint pain/mobility, insomnia, regulating menstruation and PMS, fertility, digestive issues, headaches and migraines, dizziness and general stress.

*Please contact us to book this treatment

Please Note: Prices are subject to change

Cancellation Policy: Your appointment time is reserved just for you.
A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists’ day that could have been filled by another patient. As such, we kindly request 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. A charge for the full amount of the appointment will be applied for cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice. We thank you for your understanding and consideration.